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Rabka Zdroj

Rabka Zdroj - Still

Rabka Zdroj - Still

Regular price $4.00 USD
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Mineral water Rabka-Zdrój is characterized by a delicate, subtle taste. Due to the low sodium content and health benefits, it is recommended for parents and their small children. Enjoys great recognition among users
from the medicinal qualities of Rabka Zdrój.

MAGNESIUM - makes it easier for us to endure stress and better deal with infections. It has a calming and immunizing effect, increases the body's defenses capabilities. It is invaluable for our heart and circulatory system - regulates blood pressure and its clotting, lowers cholesterol. It's a wonderful recipe for the ailments of the times we live in.
POTASIUM - is an element that ensures proper water - electrolyte and acid-base balance of the body. Potassium ion participates in regulating cell pH and osmotic pressure. Potassium is also necessary for the proper burning of carbohydrates and proteins.
CALM - Essential for building healthy teeth and bones. It regulates the rhythm of the heart. It ensures the smooth functioning of the nervous system.
SODIUM - Protects the body against excessive water loss, maintains the efficiency of muscles and nerves. Essential for a healthy heart.

  • Also available by the case
Country Poland
Source Still
Carbonated No
Bottle PET
Size 1.5 Liter
TDS 361.5 mg/l
Nitrate NA
Calcium 58.22 mg/l
Magnesium 9.18 mg/l
Sodium 17.8 mg/l
Potassium 2.14 mg/l
Silica NA
Bicarbonate 224.40 mg/l
Sulfate 14 mg/l
Chloride 19.10 mg/l

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